The Fine Art of Small Talk: How To Start a Conversation, Keep It Going, Build Networking Skills - and Leave a Positive Impression!

Do you spend an abnormal amount of time hiding out in the bathroom or hanging out at the buffet table at social gatherings? Does the thought of striking up a conversation with a stranger make your stomach do flip-flops? Do you sit nervously through job interviews waiting for the other person to speak? Are you a Nervous Ned? (or Nervous Nellie?) when it comes to networking? Then it's time you mastered The Fine Art Of Small Talk. With practical advice and conversation cheat sheets, The Fine Art of Small Talk will help you learn to feel more comfortable in any type of situation, from lunch with the boss to a networking event to a cocktail party where you don't know a soul. Do you dread corporate cocktail parties where you are expected to schmooze with complete strangers? Do job interviews, blind dates or holiday functions make you clam up, searching frantically for things to say? When speaking with someone you ve just met, do you expect him or her to keep the conversation going? Then the THE FINE ART OF SMALL TALK by Debra Fine is for you. This is a collection of concrete steps and tactics one can employ to begin a meaningful conversation with just about anybody in any situation. THE FINE ART OF SMALL TALK teaches you how to: Start a conversation even when you think you have nothing to say Avoid foot-in-mouth disease Prevent awkward pauses Adopt listening skills that will make you a better conversationalist Approach social functions with confidence Feel more at ease at parties, meetings, job interviews and trade shows Turn every conversation into an opportunity for success Make sure your body language is inviting and natural Use icebreakers that work every time Stabilize your shaky knees and dry your sweaty palms Exit conversations with tact and grace Make the most of networking events Mingle with moxie.